Here’s a template that’ll pull things together for you when you want to influence people to adopt your thinking. It’s called an “Influence Map”. You’ll find it clever but simple and effective to use.
You can use it in a macro way, say “to be a more influential leader”. Or you can use it in a micro way to persuade others about a particular issue…
Put Together Your “Who’s Who”
Let’s say, for example, you want agreement from your senior lead team to relocate the office.
We’re going to build an Influence Map. This will give us a snapshot of the people you need to influence:
Their Wants and Their Concerns
You know what you want, i.e. a relocated office. How much have you thought about what each of your involved parties care about?
You need to be comfortable that you’ve created a well-founded picture with your answers to those questions. If you’re not I suggest you have a chat with each of the people on your Influence Map, to create certainty that you understand their position.
Note the answers to #5 and #6 questions on your Influence Map…then notice how these additional pieces of information begin to paint a clear picture about the sorts of conversations you need to have with each of those you need to influence.
You’ll notice that you feel more courageous about having an influential conversation because you’ve already dug into what they care about.
They’ll like that by the way , so be sure to let them know of your hallucinations about their wants and concerns at the start of the conversation.
You’ll also notice that they’ll be more receptive to your needs—because you were receptive to their needs.
Your Action Plan
Where do you want to be more influential?
What specific issue is high on your agenda? Or would you rather start with your leadership in general?
Keep me posted on your thinking about Influence Maps and how useful they are for you.
“I am now more influential with my direct reports, peers and others. Carolyn is a highly-capable coach who develops leaders key strengths to extraordinary skills.”
– National Service Delivery Manager, Document Management Solutions
Carolyn Stevens has worked with leaders for more than 25-years—hundreds of them.
She’s supported leader after leader (including those who previously struggled to confront the difficult, let alone persuasively deal with the it) flourish—and become confident, courageous and impressively influential.
Carolyn is authentic and results-oriented. She draws on an eclectic array of approaches, tools and techniques to suit the situation.